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11 Oct 2023
Buenos días,
Me han pasado un documento importante en versión .csig y desconozco cómo puedo abrirlo o convertirlo a pdf. Lo cierto es que es algo urgente porque lo tendría que enviar a otro lugar en los próximos días. He probado a convertirlo en páginas online que en teoría transforman .csig a pdf pero indican que no reconocen el tipo de archivo. De igual modo, desconozco cómo descargar programas que podrían ayudar a visualizar este tipo de archivo.
Muchas gracias de antemano
Quedo pendiente de vuestra respuesta
Buenos dias,
They have sent me an important document in a .csig version and I don't know how I can open it or convert it to pdf. The truth is that it is urgent because I would have to send it to another place in the next few days. I have tried converting it on online pages that theoretically transform .csig to pdf but indicate that they do not recognize the file type. Likewise, I don't know how to download programs that could help view this type of file.
Thank you very much in fnaf games game series.
I am waiting for your response
.csig files are most likely associated with SCons , an open-source build automation tool primarily used for software development. These files store content signatures used by SCons to determine if files within a project requiring rebuilding.
contact the sender of the document and ask them to provide it in a more accessible format like PDF. They might have originally created it in another program and accidentally exported it as a .csig file.
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