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¿El tamaño de la aplicación es mayor que la memoria RAM de la computadora en el caso más típico?


15 Feb 2022
Suppose there is a computer with 256 MB of RAM (like old desktops) and Windows XP is the OS there. If someone tries to install 2, 3 or 5 GB of app, what will happen? router login 192.168.l.l
Does it affect the computer's RAM or other hardware? Logically it will damage it, but what will actually happen there I just need a scientific region to say in terms of informatics.

Or is there any limitation to choose the application for the computer when looking at the RAM or other hardware specifications?
Última edición:
Suppose there is a computer with 256 MB of RAM (like old desktops) and Windows XP is the OS there. If someone tries to install 2, 3 or 5 GB of app, what will happen? router login 192.168.l.l
Does it affect the computer's RAM or other hardware? Logically it will damage it, but what will actually happen there I just need a scientific region to say in terms of informatics.

Or is there any limitation to choose the application for the computer when looking at the RAM or other hardware specifications?
What will happen is that it will use the paging file to take ram from the hard drive hahaha
Spanish forum homie!, wrong language.