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I7 6700k o esperar a zen de amd

¿merece la pena esperar a AMD?

  • Si porque sera mas barato o bajaran de precio los intel

    Votos: 9 69,2%
  • No, porque seran mas caros que los intel y no te quiere gastar mas pasta

    Votos: 4 30,8%

  • Votantes totales
Sobretodo del 4790k :alabado:
Lo que usted diga muy señor mio
"It's an interesting matchup in more than one way. Both chips are based on the Haswell microarchitecture (the 5820K is technically "Haswell-E"), meaning each of their cores is essentially identical. The only major difference between the two designs is that the 5820K has 2.5MB of cache per core, while the 4790K has 2MB of cache per core. Both feature Hyperthreading, which brings the 5820K up to 12 total logical cores and the 4790K up to 8 cores. That being said, the 4790K is clocked at 4.0 GHz out of the box, with Turboboost to 4.4GHz, while the 5820K is clocked at 3.3GHz with Turboboost to 3.7GHz"

The Quad vs. Hex Showdown: Core i7-4790K vs. 5820K in Games | The Tech Buyer's Guru
"It's an interesting matchup in more than one way. Both chips are based on the Haswell microarchitecture (the 5820K is technically "Haswell-E"), meaning each of their cores is essentially identical. The only major difference between the two designs is that the 5820K has 2.5MB of cache per core, while the 4790K has 2MB of cache per core. Both feature Hyperthreading, which brings the 5820K up to 12 total logical cores and the 4790K up to 8 cores. That being said, the 4790K is clocked at 4.0 GHz out of the box, with Turboboost to 4.4GHz, while the 5820K is clocked at 3.3GHz with Turboboost to 3.7GHz"

The Quad vs. Hex Showdown: Core i7-4790K vs. 5820K in Games | The Tech Buyer's Guru

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Eso viene del techbuyersguru? Vaya tela, cada día alucinas con lo que puedes llegar a leer por la red
Pues a ver, enterao de la vida, cuéntame las diferencias a nivel de arquitectura de un Haswell a un Haswell-E
Pues a ver, enterao de la vida, cuéntame las diferencias a nivel de arquitectura de un Haswell a un Haswell-E

Las similitudes están en el nombre: Haswell y Haswell-E

Esto es como si comparas Lentejas con Lentejuelas, no tiene nada que ver (je, je).

Hay muchas diferencias, búscalas tú mismo por la red...