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Chat for practice your English


Veritas Liberabit Vos
24 Ene 2013
This one aims to the ones that when they are tired of toking in Spanish they could do it English. As the normal chat, fell free to talk about what you want. But ONLY ENGLISH.
Of course.. seriously? xD
This is weird :sisi3:
Time to go to bed. Good night.
lets go to sleeping iFuSiiOnzZ sleeping dreams to the goats in jumping

good night
I dont Know why is this a Bad idea. I have a B2 level of english and I can speak english very gold. In fact yesterday I spoke with an English guy Who made me the favour of changing my ps4 version of the Witcher 3 from the PC one
Nice trade, DarkSant

Where is this guy from and when you will have your game?
Nice trade, DarkSant

Where is this guy from and when you will have your game?
Hi is from a city that start with b. But i dont remember. He will send it next tuesday and maybe he wont ask me for the ps4 version I dont Know why. He is a really good guy
Hi is from a city that start with b. But i dont remember. He will send it next tuesday and maybe he wont ask me for the ps4 version I dont Know why. He is a really good guy
Really? :eek: that's great. You don't see people like him normally, lol. Lucky you, man. Enjoy the game, too. It's really cool :sisi3:
Really? :eek: that's great. You don't see people like him normally, lol. Lucky you, man. Enjoy the game, too. It's really cool :sisi3:
But aanyways i will give him the game. He understood my situation. But im going to sleep. See you!
Behind de musgo Behind de monter niggas. You drink monters? Jaja
musgo?, drinking fanta xD
good, an english forum. I need practice. It's more dificult to write here if you can't practice in your school every day (¿every day or everyday?, i can't remember it.
good, an english forum. I need practice. It's more dificult to write here if you can't practice in your school every day (¿every day or everyday?, i can't remember it.
Every day :)
Brothers don't let this chat day... XD
Day or die? X'D
This post will be a demostration of our bad english spelling xDDDD
Whatsapp niggas.

Es coña xDD
Whats up guys????
I woke up 10 minutes ago :tititi: