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Dell UltraSharp U2414H


De profesión Chapuzas
2 Ago 2012
Bueno, creo que ya es hora de jubilar mi viejo HP w19b. Lo tengo desde hace 7 años y desde hace un par le ha salido una ralla vertical de pixeles blancos, que molestan bastante la verdad.

Uno de los que me ha llamado la atención es este DELL.


Ahora hay una promoción con un descuento de 65€ y envio gratis, por lo que el monitor se quedaria en 260€.

¿Alguien lo tiene?

El uso principal seria navegar, ofimatica y jugar, cuando tenga tiempo.

¿Algun otro monitor mejor que este? Lo indispensable es que tenga el soporte VESA y que tenga dos entradas de HDMI. Precio máximo entorno a los 250€

LOL, vaya diferencia de precio. Gracias.

Por cierto, veo en tu firma que usas un monitor dell tambien. Que tal son ?? Algun inconveniente ??

Pues todo perfecto!! Yo estoy muy contento con él. Colores muy buenos, y casi nada de ghosting. Te lo recomiendo 100%. Aunque no es el mismo modelo, te digo que ese tiene muy buena pinta.
Pedido a Aussar.
A la espera de que llegue :DD
¿U2414H problemas con tarjetas Nvidia?

En dos reviews inglesas dicen que este monitor tiene algunos problemas con las tarjetas Nvidia ¿alguien con esta tarjeta ha tenido algún problema? ¿Lo ha podido solucionar de alguna forma?

TFT Central: On top of this we did find the DisplayPort input to be incredibly fussy. We had a great deal of difficulty getting a laptop connected over DP, when normally on every other screen it's just a simple case of plugging it in and it automatically detecting the appropriate resolution and refresh rate. With the U2414H it seemed to occasionally work, but quite often the screen would inexplicably just show "entering power saving mode" or worse still seem to make the graphics card driver crash when it tried to use DisplayPort. We're not sure what was causing this, but it's the first screen we've used which gave us these kind of issues. From our normal testing PC the DisplayPort to Mini DisplayPort seemed to work fine thankfully. Had the screen featured VGA we could have avoided those issues with the laptop hopefully.
One other issue was that the DisplayPort connections didn't seem to detect a signal if your PC was waking up from sleep, so you'd have to unplug and re-plug the cable sometimes to get the screen to display anything again. Alternatively you can power the screen fully off and on again via the power button which allows it to redetect the input again.

PC Monitors: An Nvidia GTX 780 was used on our test system and we tested both DisplayPort and HDMI – with interesting results. When using either DisplayPort or HDMI the GPU sent out the wrong colour signal (‘Limited Range RGB 16-235’ instead of ‘Full Range RGB 0-255’). This reduced gamma, skewed white point, hugely impacted contrast and simply gave everything a washed out look. We are quite used to seeing this with Nvidia GPUs connected via HDMI as that is their default behaviour – treat the connected device as an HDTV. But we aren’t used to seeing this over DisplayPort which is currently a PC-only output. We tested the ‘MiniDP’ port as well as the full sized DP port using both DP 1.1 and DP 1.2. The native resolution of the monitor (1920 x 1080) is listed under ‘Ultra HD, HD, SD’ as ‘1080p, 1920 x 1080 (native) when connected by DisplayPort. This list of resolutions is designed for output in RGB 16-235 to devices such HDTVs. The resolution should instead be listed under ‘PC’ as ‘1920 x 1080 (native)’, but it isn’t.
¿Por qué lo pediste allí?

Porque la otra opción hubiera sido PCC, pero tanto yo como un amigo, hemos tenido ,malas experiencias al comprar ahi, y como el foro colabora con aussar, pues he preferido pedilo ahí.
En dos reviews inglesas dicen que este monitor tiene algunos problemas con las tarjetas Nvidia ¿alguien con esta tarjeta ha tenido algún problema? ¿Lo ha podido solucionar de alguna forma?

TFT Central: On top of this we did find the DisplayPort input to be incredibly fussy. We had a great deal of difficulty getting a laptop connected over DP, when normally on every other screen it's just a simple case of plugging it in and it automatically detecting the appropriate resolution and refresh rate. With the U2414H it seemed to occasionally work, but quite often the screen would inexplicably just show "entering power saving mode" or worse still seem to make the graphics card driver crash when it tried to use DisplayPort. We're not sure what was causing this, but it's the first screen we've used which gave us these kind of issues. From our normal testing PC the DisplayPort to Mini DisplayPort seemed to work fine thankfully. Had the screen featured VGA we could have avoided those issues with the laptop hopefully.
One other issue was that the DisplayPort connections didn't seem to detect a signal if your PC was waking up from sleep, so you'd have to unplug and re-plug the cable sometimes to get the screen to display anything again. Alternatively you can power the screen fully off and on again via the power button which allows it to redetect the input again.

PC Monitors: An Nvidia GTX 780 was used on our test system and we tested both DisplayPort and HDMI – with interesting results. When using either DisplayPort or HDMI the GPU sent out the wrong colour signal (‘Limited Range RGB 16-235’ instead of ‘Full Range RGB 0-255’). This reduced gamma, skewed white point, hugely impacted contrast and simply gave everything a washed out look. We are quite used to seeing this with Nvidia GPUs connected via HDMI as that is their default behaviour – treat the connected device as an HDTV. But we aren’t used to seeing this over DisplayPort which is currently a PC-only output. We tested the ‘MiniDP’ port as well as the full sized DP port using both DP 1.1 and DP 1.2. The native resolution of the monitor (1920 x 1080) is listed under ‘Ultra HD, HD, SD’ as ‘1080p, 1920 x 1080 (native) when connected by DisplayPort. This list of resolutions is designed for output in RGB 16-235 to devices such HDTVs. The resolution should instead be listed under ‘PC’ as ‘1920 x 1080 (native)’, but it isn’t.

Yo tambien he leido esto, pero solo sucede cuando se conecta por display port, creo. Si lo conectas por hdmi o por otro puerto, no pasa nada.
De todas formas el lunes/martes cuando me llegue lo probaré a ver y ya te diré.
