Hace poco compré la RX 590 y antes tenia la r9 290. Desde que la puse a veces de forma aleatoria me dan bajones de FPS de 90 fps a 2 fps o 1 incluso(tambien el cursor del ratón ralentizado). Dura unos segundos (15 segundos aprox) en los que la potencia de la GPU baja a menos de 50W y la utilización de la GPU a 0%. Luego vuelve a la normalidad, todo ello con el uso de la GPU al 100% todo el rato y temperaturas de 80º en juegos como Apex Legends que no deberia de tener problemas. El procesador es un Fx 8350 y la placa base es una ASRock 970 Extreme 3 con 16 GB de RAM, Fuente NOX Urano 850W y disco duro SSD. Antes esto no me pasaba con la antigua grafica y me gustaria saber si es de la CPU o que la grafica esta en mal estado.
I recently bought the RX 590 and before that I had the r9 290. Since I put it on sometimes randomly they give me FPS drops from 90 fps to 2 fps or even 1 (also slowed down the mouse cursor). It lasts a few seconds (15 seconds approx) in which the power of the GPU drops to less than 50W and the GPU utilization to 0%. Then it returns to normal, all with the use of the GPU at 100% all the time and temperatures of 80º in games like Apex Legends that should not have problems. The processor is a Fx 8350 and the motherboard is an ASRock 970 Extreme 3 with 16 GB of RAM, NOX Urano 850W source and SSD hard drive. Before this did not happen to me with the old graph and I would like to know if it is from the CPU or that the graph is in bad condition.
I recently bought the RX 590 and before that I had the r9 290. Since I put it on sometimes randomly they give me FPS drops from 90 fps to 2 fps or even 1 (also slowed down the mouse cursor). It lasts a few seconds (15 seconds approx) in which the power of the GPU drops to less than 50W and the GPU utilization to 0%. Then it returns to normal, all with the use of the GPU at 100% all the time and temperatures of 80º in games like Apex Legends that should not have problems. The processor is a Fx 8350 and the motherboard is an ASRock 970 Extreme 3 with 16 GB of RAM, NOX Urano 850W source and SSD hard drive. Before this did not happen to me with the old graph and I would like to know if it is from the CPU or that the graph is in bad condition.