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Stranded Deep

Cheto... se cargais la magia...xD Eso hacedlo cuando vayais a deshaceros del juego, pero no cuando está naciendo..
La verdad que con chetos te jodes toda la puta gracia y hasta te quita las ganas de jugar, porque tienes todo a mano y ya no hay nada más que hacer por que el juego es una Alpha... ya cuando salga un parche nuevo con mas objetos cobrará otra vez interés.
Como actualizaciones gordas, mucha sangre al matar los bichos y en la carne recolectada, árbol de habilidades, farmeo, cooperativo, multijugador, añadir caña de pescar, rocas más grandes para que al romperlas se hagan en rocas como las de ahora y luego en las cortantes, etc etc :sisi3:

Yuju! versión 0.03 con un huevo de novedades!


Bug Fixes
Cloth – Fixed spelling mistake in description.
Cloth – Fixed bug with crafting trigger not activating.
Paddle – Fixed a bug with paddle buoyancy flying to the surface.
Foundations – Hard to replicate but hopefully fixed Items falling through foundations. Time and player feedback will tell with this one. Only other thing is possibly destroying order of things?
Context Menus – Fixed context menu spam and using items when closing menus spam.
Context Menus – Fixed a bug with the context menu interacting collider.
Context Menus – Fixed a bug where constructing combos options were getting cut off with a long list.
Crafting – Some improvement made to lag when equipping a hammer to switch between building and crafting modes with large collections and buildings. There’s a lot more work to be done here, but it should be better.
Building – Improved foundation collisions. You can now walk underneath foundations and place on rocky terrain. This does allow the ability to do silly things like placing structures inside rocks, so beware.
Doors – Fixed shipwreck door collisions.
Doors – Fixed all door colliders moving player when opening.
Medical Supplies – Fixed bug with infinite medical supplies.
Airtank – Players seem to be a bit confused with this one so we reworked the functionality to make it less confusing and more consistent. Previously, the airtank had a set capacity and would refill your air deficit. Now it just has a set number of uses so make sure you get the best out of them.
Fire Spit – Now displays the attached cookable’s name.
Ocean – Fixed a bug where the ocean would turn red during weather events.
Trees – Fixed a bug where cut down connected tree trunks where loading back as logs not trunks.
Doors – Door model now indicates which way the door opens when placing.
Steps – Building materials have been adjusted. Previously the steps were a ‘luxury’ item. Now they are a requirement for accessing second stories, so the material requirement has also been adjusted. Steps are now 4x stick, 2x Rope.
Beds – Reduced size to fit inside a single foundation.
Bubbles – Fixed bug where bubble markers were disappearing.
Shipwrecks – Plane shipwreck now has bubble markers.
Boat Motor – Fixed fuel gauge only updating when boat motor was running.
Player – Changed crouching mechanic. You now have to hold the crouch key to remain crouched.
Bucket – Fixed the “portal/stargate” bug.
Coconuts – Fixed a rare occurrence of a missing reference.
Whale – Fixed constant whale noise spam.
Crabs – Fixed a bug where crabs weren’t being parented to the right node for re-centering and saving.
Boat Motor – Reduced the lawn mower’s volume from 0.7 to 0.4.
Effects – Fixed a bug with incorrect god rays appearing underwater (big orange blob).

New Content
Sea Forts! – You can now explore a series of connected sea forts that provide great shelter and can contain various loot and supplies. Sea Forts are procedurally generated in the sand plains biome. Please note that we are working on a much more improved billboard system for the future so sea fort transitions may be jerky/sudden when loading biomes at this stage in development.

Multistory Building! – Official multistory building. This system is a work in progress and is in alpha stage and will be constantly evolving. There are currently a very few edge cases with unrealistic placements that will get cleaned up as the system progresses and finalizes. There’s no limitations on stories for now, so we can’t wait for the mega tower screenshots! We’ll be incorporating things like structural material limitations and more advanced destruction in future updates.

Interacting – New mechanic for interacting with objects! To interact with interactive objects like campfires, consoles and containers, hold the left mouse button down momentarily when the new interacting icon appears. Similarly, the crafting context menu icon has a new look.
Clicking with the left mouse button will use your current item on the object you’re looking at, as normal.
This mechanic opens up the ability to be able to destroy interactive items like campfires and doors, which has not been possible until now.
Steps – Steps functionality has been changed. When placing, you can rotate the orientation of the stairs to point in the direction you want. However, stairs can only be placed adjacent to a foundation.

Windows – You can now craft a Windowed Wall

Torch – The torch functionality has now changed. When found, it will be permanently equipped and can be toggled with the torch key (default is [R]). Any torches that already exist in the game world will be destroyed, so you will have to find a new one for this to take effect. Please note that this will eventually be incorporated into a left hand item, so don’t worry die-hards - no floating torches here ;)

Player Audio – A variety of new unique player character effects.

Fish Trap – You can now craft a functioning Fish Trap. At the moment it only catches fish, but we will expand on this in the future with crabs, crayfish, etc. What fish you catch is on the environment and where you place the Fish Trap.

Bucket – The bucket can now collect rain water.

Easter Egg – Small “Land Shark” related easter egg.

Crafting – You can now toggle whether the crafting highlight is displayed for increased immersion.

UI – Some UI redesign is in progress so some things may look a little different and incoherent. We’re playing around, seeing what works so it’s all still a work in progress at this stage.
Fuck! Elegí mal el sábado de cubateo..

Thanks Borjiu, but translate please! Que aquí no somos guiris xD
Fortificaciones en el agua que ofrecerán mejores cosas, recoger agua de lluvia, una isla secreta de tiburones, la inteligencia rtificial mejorada, mejorada la interacción con los objetos, ahora se puede craftear desde un menú, y más cosas, ni lo he leído entero, quiero acabar el foro para probar y ver que hay xD
Nuevo parche:


Bug Fixes
Raft Motor – Now requires a hammer to be built.
Fire Spit – Now updates display name when attached cookable is cooked.
Shipwrecks – Fixed visual error with glass shader not blending with fog.
Crafting – Fixed “lashing” material name incorrectly appearing as “rope” in crafting option’s material list.
Building – Fixed a bug where foundations would default to a raft when snapping to an existing foundation over water.
HUD Information Option – Fixed a bug where toggling the display of item names was not applying in game.
Input Options – Fixed a rather annoying bug for players where mouse buttons were reassigning as the mouse axis.
Goggles, Flippers and Torch – Added a notification for now to notify player that these items have been equipped.
Flying – The last known dragging-flying exploit, aka the “broomstick” method, has been fixed.
Water Bottles – Fixed a bug with all food items not saving data. This would result in water bottles refilling when loaded back, etc.
Rafts – Adjusted ladder colliders for wooden rafts for easier climbing.
Crabs – Fixed immortal crabs when cooking alive. Crabs now die if you cook them alive by dragging onto a fire, etc.
Rain – Fixed weather effects not having appropriate filter when underwater.

New Content
Saving – It’s now possible to have multiple save game files. Your save file is now saved local to the game’s installation in a folder named after your Steam ID. It may look like a random series of numbers but it actually corresponds to your unique user ID on Steam. It’s worth mentioning that there are a few ways to identify your Steam ID if you need to. A quick google search will help here.
Saving – Internal optimisations to save file parser.
World Seed – You can now share your world seed. You will be prompted to input a world seed when you select “New Game” on the main menu. You can view your world seed on the bottom right corner of the pause menu.
Player – More randomized and more variety of player sound effects. Improved jumping sounds and more variety. Improved landing sounds and more variety. Vomitting sounds effects. Improved breathing sounds effects
Label Maker – New item! A small side item that introduces a new mechanic to rename items if that’s your thing.

Sharks – Dynamically adjusted circling radius based on the damage dealt to the shark.
Sharks – Less crazy raft bumping!
Sharks – Temporary fix to spamming damage by holding down the use item key.
Sharks – Will lose interest in players when on land.
Sharks – Increased maximum damage: Tiger Sharks from 1000 to 2250, Great whites from 2000 to 3350.
Sharks – Regain 0.5 health per second after 320 seconds have passed since last receiving damage.
Balance - Adjusted compass model holding view.
Balance – Decreased various fish spawn chances. Sharks are now much rarer.

  • Tiger shark from 100% to 30%,
  • Great White from 100% to 18%,
  • Reef Sharks from 100% to 25%,
  • Marlin from 100% to 25%,
  • Whales from 20% to 6%,
  • Stingrays from 100% to 65%,
  • Turtles from 100% to 55%.
Balance – Loot container item spawn chance. Container slots now have a slight chance for spawning nothing (average 90% to spawn).

Por otro lado, las futuas mejoras:

We have a lot of big things planned. Some of them include:

  • Moving over to Unity 5.
  • Reworking the terrain system.
  • Reworking the ocean - Better and bigger wave animations and more complete buoyancy.
  • Reworking a lot of behind the scenes for co-operative game play.
  • Incorporating a proper player model with shadows and animations.
  • Creating an actual audio system.
  • A new loot system incorporating proper scavenging mechanics.
  • Improving the construction system to build on the new scavenging system to create more unique structures.
  • A tool crafting system – scavenging different handles, bindings and blades to create unique tools and weapons.
    Improving the weather with procedural cloud cover and better weather events.
  • A map editor and modding tools.
  • Heaps more…

no puedo lanzar o tirar lanzas


W, A, S, D, Mayusculas y Espacio: Los típicos

Botón Izquierdo Ratón (BIR): Usa el objeto que tengamos en la mano
Botón Derecho Ratón (BDR) (Mantener pulsado): Arrastrar objetos hacia donde apuntemos
E: Coger objeto
Q: Tirar objeto
C: Agachado
TAB: Inventario
1-8: Seleccionar uno de los ocho objetos del inventario
F (mantener): Reloj de supervivencia (info sobre día, hora, etc..)
F (mantener) + BIR: Muestra niveles de vida, hambre y sed

Para craftear soltaremos los materiales necesarios en el suelo y fabricamos con Botón Izquierdo Ratón (BIR)

A partir de ahora lo divertido es ir averiguando por uno mismo, por eso lo pongo oculto



Crafteos: Herramientas

Crafteos: Fogatas, cama

Crafteos: Construcción Por el momento no sirve para nada, seguramente irán añadiendo factores frío, etc..

Crafteos especiales/dificil y objetos varios

- cualquier cosa que vayais descubriendo, bienvenida será -

Agradecimientos : alvaro10, Burroko