Por lo que he estado leyendo, varia dependiendo de la version usada. Han sacado hasta 3 versiones distintas en poco tiempo. La v3.0, la 3.1 y la 4.0.
Por lo que he leido, la 3.1 es xj mucho mas fresca que la 3.0. Basicamente, es x un perfil de refrigeracion mas acuciado. Vamos, lo que habia dicho yo anteriormente. Vease:
XFX sent a new card. It is a version 3.1 model, whereas the original model was version 3.0. The vBIOS ID is the same, but the v3.1 cards fan spins at 67% and the v3.0 card fans spin at 45% under gaming load. This lowered temperatures on the card (GPU, VRM1, VRM2), but it is also much louder now. When playing BF4 I am hitting 71C load on the GPU, VRM1 is getting up to 84C and VRM2 is getting up to 56C. This is much better and the stuttering is gone. Not sure anything else was done to the card besides increasing the fan speed. XFX has not responded two my last 2 e-mails and I've been waiting for a response for 8 days from them as to what all the changes were.
Vamos, que al final es cosa de como configures mas o menos la ventilcaion.